We're taking every precaution possible to make your showhome visit safe
We've made some adjustments to our showhome experience during to the current Covid-19 situation, and we want to detail what you should expect when you visit us in-person.
Before You Arrive
Whilst we fully appreciate the home buying experience can include more than two people, right now we can't accommodate more than two people - including children - from the same household in our showhomes.
Similarly, visits are strictly by appointment only, to ensure there is no unnecessary mixing of households. As such, please plan to arrive for your appointment at the specified time and not earlier.
We also ask that if you're physically able to, please wear a mask or face covering. We have a small number of disposable masks available, but we encourage you to bring your own.
Whilst you are welcome to bring your own hand sanitiser and/or gloves, both will be provided for use if required throughout our showhomes.
Once You're Here
When you arrive, head towards the Sales & Marketing Suite and one of our team will greet you at the entrance. If you're early, please remain in your car until your allotted appointment time.
There will be a QR code for you to utilise as part of the NHS Covid-19 tracing app. If you do not have the app, we will take a manual record of your details for track and tracing purposes if required.
We will maintain the required 2m social distancing throughout showhome tours and whilst we have aimed to make the tour as normal as possible, you may notice some minor differences (such as all doors being open to minimise touching of door handles).
Visiting our showhomes
We want to make your showhome visit as fantastic as it can be, which is why we've put these extra precautions in place during the current Covid-19 situation.
If you have any questions at all regarding the precautions we're taking, what you should expect when visiting our showhomes or the alternatives we have available - such as our virtual tours - please do contact us.
For more information, please fill in the form below and a member of the team will get back to you